Full-Mouth Reconstruction in Harrisburg, NC

Full-Mouth Reconstruction in Harrisburg, NC David P. Ney, DDS

Full-mouth reconstruction is a comprehensive approach to enhancing your oral health and appearance. In Harrisburg, NC, Dr. David P. Ney specializes in crafting custom treatment plans for these complex rehabilitations. A seasoned dentist with 25+ years of experience, Dr. Ney can revitalize your smile while restoring your bite.

The American College of Prosthodontists has stated that the difficulty of full-mouth reconstruction lies not only in performing procedures but also in the careful planning of treatment strategies. This is where Dr. Ney’s expertise shines. He identifies the intricacies of each patient’s oral cavity and supporting structures and ensures that every full-mouth reconstruction aligns perfectly with individual needs and expectations.

Full-Mouth Reconstruction in Harrisburg, NC David P. Ney, DDS

What Is Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

Full-mouth reconstruction is a comprehensive approach to dentistry that combines multiple procedures to restore dental function and aesthetics. Dr. Ney specializes in full-mouth rehabilitation and tailors treatment plans for each patient’s unique needs.

Here are some of the key procedures involved in full-mouth reconstruction:

  • Mini dental implants: They are a smaller, less invasive alternative to traditional implants, providing stable support for replacement teeth. Dr. Ney often uses mini dental implants for patients with limited bone density.
  • Crowns and bridges: Crowns are protective caps placed over damaged teeth, while bridges fill gaps left by missing teeth. Dr. Ney utilizes crowns and bridges to restore both function and aesthetics to a patient’s smile.
  • Dental bonding: This versatile treatment involves applying a tooth-colored resin to teeth with chips, cracks, or gaps. Dental bonding can quickly enhance your smile’s appearance.
  • Veneers: Thin porcelain-made shells bonded to the front surface of teeth, veneers are an excellent solution for concealing imperfections like cracks and stains or adjusting the teeth’s shape and size.
  • Dentures: Traditional dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth. They offer support for facial structures and improve the ability to eat and speak. Dr. Ney often incorporates implant dentures as part of his full-mouth rehabilitation plans.

The Art of A Smile Makeover

A true smile makeover is both functional and aesthetic. Full-mouth reconstruction, a specialized form of dental reconstruction surgery, achieves this by combining restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Restorative dentistry restores the teeth’s functionality, while cosmetic dentistry enhances smile aesthetics.

Dr. Ney expertly combines these in Harrisburg, NC, offering treatments like dental implants to ensure a perfect balance of form and function in your full-mouth reconstruction.

Mini Dental Implants Play a Key Role

Mini dental implants are essential in full-mouth reconstruction, especially for patients with limited bone density who need to replace missing teeth. While small, they provide stable support for prosthetic teeth. Compared to traditional dental implants, these compact versions require less invasive surgery and have a shorter healing time.

Dr. Ney can even use mini dental implants to replace an entire arch of missing teeth, ensuring a strong, functional, and aesthetically pleasing smile in full-mouth reconstruction.

Full-Mouth Reconstruction Is a Life-Changing Investment

Investing in full-mouth reconstruction is more than just enhancing your smile; it’s about transforming your life. This treatment restores your ability to eat comfortably, speak confidently, and smile radiantly. With his expertise in dental reconstruction surgery, Dr. David P. Ney in Harrisburg, NC can make this transformation a reality.

Ready to make this life-changing investment? Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Ney today for a CT scan and personalized treatment plan. This is your chance to get expert insights and start becoming a healthier, more confident you.

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