How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

In the video below, Dr. David P. Ney clarifies how long dental crowns actually last and identifies the most important factor that contributes to the life of a crown.

So as far as how long do crowns last? Well, the insurances will, will tell you they last five years. I can tell you in our experience of 25 years of doing them, we’ve gotten much, much or many more years than actually five years out of those crowns. The biggest thing is you have to take care of them. You have to be thoughtful of where they are. Front teeth are a little different than actually back teeth and you have to keep them clean.

Can crowns fracture and break? Sure they can. Just like your actual natural teeth can. But we have found, like I said in the 25 years that I’ve been here, our crowns last significantly longer than the five years that the insurance is saying.


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